Participate in an Active Research Project

Welcome to the connection page for our National Survey of Canadian Revenue Agency Registered Churches

Whether you received a direct invitation, saw it featured on our website, sent a link by a local or national leader, or just heard about it from a friend, we are glad you found our survey.



If you are part of a Canadian Christian church, of any form or theological bent, we would love to hear more about:

(1) the church/parish you connect with, (2) what kind of things your congregation does, and (3) where it makes its home. 


Your feedback will help our larger investigation of how Canadian churches are struggling and thriving in this post-Covid era and will lead to practical findings (which will be freely available to participating denominations and local churches).


This survey will take you about 12-15 minutes to complete and you will be personally anonymous (though we do hope to find out what church you belong to in order to strengthen our analysis). At the beginning of the survey, you will hear more about your rights, how your privacy is respected, and how this work can directly support your church.



If you are interested, we’ll get you to start here, by asking you to find your congregation (as recorded in the CRA data), but you can choose to not declare your church and still participate. Please note, the information below comes directly from the information submitted by churches and other charities to the CRA, this means it may contain odd spellings and other typos. If this makes it difficult  to find your congregation, just click on the teal button below.



If you have questions now or later feel free to contact us at Thanks for your help!